Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (VIC)

Focuses on fostering economic growth, creating jobs, and enhancing skills development across Victoria through strategic industry support and regional development initiatives.

Organisation Overview

The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) in Victoria is a state government agency committed to driving economic growth, job creation, and skills development across the state.

The department works to support a diverse range of industries through strategic initiatives, investments, and partnerships.

It plays a crucial role in enhancing the skills and employability of Victoria’s workforce by overseeing vocational education and training (VET) programs, apprenticeships, and workforce development projects.

For more information click HERE

Training, Skills and Higher Education is responsible for oversight of tertiary education in Victoria, including Vocational Education and Training (VET), higher education, adult education and lifelong learning.

Victorian Skills Authority (VSA)

The VSA’s purpose is to build strong, active connections between industry, training providers, government and communities, with the new Victorian Skills Plan providing data and insights to ensure the right skills are developed and ready at the right time.